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Make Your Business Ambitions a Reality

We focus on acceleration and bringing your product to life through the best go-to-market vehicle that provides measurable benchmarks leading to desired success.

Brand Identity & Positioning

From product concept to functional reality to packaging and on-shelf placement and online presence, we provide out-of-gate, best chance placement strategies. We don’t believe in relying on a second chance. Whether your strategy incorporates direct or indirect sales methods, we will create and deliver on the best model for you.

Product Development & Packaging

First impressions say everything. With us, your product can achieve maximum shelf impact taking into consideration the right packaging, so the product sells itself; online and retail placements; promotions; and more. Through our partnership, your brand will achieve the best possible spotlight, getting it right the first time and enjoying a favorable customer experience.

Marketing Strategy

Including and beyond SEO, television advertising, and influencer campaigns, we build digital solutions to fit your individual brand and needs. Whether it is capturing the in-home purchaser or providing the best shelf-talkers and in-store solutions, our partnerships with external digital experts assure you achieve your ROI. Our product portfolio encompasses all the options you may potentially need.

Brand Management

Once your product is online or in stores, we manage your brand by analyzing data from web measurements, customer reviews, value/price position, and feedback from merchants. This not only informs how the product is doing, but what the future trajectory can be. We will liaison with strategic merchants and distributors, collaborate with external agency partners, and manage e-commerce and product line reviews (PLRs) to assure your product is nurtured and continually positioned for success.

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Advisory

We’re your partner on an M&A strategy long before you are ready to move forward. Keeping your financial goals in mind, we’ll devise a plan building towards strategic alignment so that when you are ready to move forward, the building blocks are in place. Looking to grow your brand? We can help with the acquisition and collaborate to find brands that complement your portfolio and go-to-market channel.