We understand that it takes an aligned team
to produce extraordinary results

We understand the dynamic of working with a new-to-market product. By leveraging our brand experience, we will get your brand to the next level. Our FSQ approach differentiates us.




We’re all running the same race – get the product to the right consumer as quickly as possible. HL Innovative identifies the challenge, develops the right solution, and uses a proven approach to produce the best results.

Who We Are

Big picture thinkers who enjoy scaling businesses, brands, sales organizations, revenue, and EBITDA to help a company shine to its investors, clients, and stakeholders.

Full-service and a la carte programs that create and deliver a blueprint for success. This allows manufacturers to personally focus on what they do best—bringing truly exceptional products to life.

We generate very aggressively, ahead of industry, year-over-year, top, and bottom-line results.

Henry Lewandowski, President & CEO.

When you work with HL Innovative, you’ll be working with best-in-class branding. We understand the dynamics of today’s diversified marketplace developing a go-to-market strategy that encompasses DIY, retail, commercial storefront. We’ll get the product placed properly on the front end and develop the needed interest on the back end.

Let’s Collaborate…Contact us Today

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